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All I want is a kiss
Cause you look so fine
All I want is your lips, next to mine
Just like this.
It tastes better than wine
Put your hands on my hips.
Come on, let's synchronize lips.

I dont need anyone but you to please me
You got everything I want
Don't you stop
You can make me pop
Just tease me
Baby you can turn me on
Make a wish,
Get down on your knees
O please...

All I want is a kiss
Cause you look so fine
All I want is your lips, next to mine
Just like this.
It tastes better than wine,
Put your hands on my hips.
Come on, let's synchronize lips.
Lips, lips lips... this this, this this... Synchronize lips.

I dont need yet another promise spoken
Just another kiss or two
All I want is to keep my options open
You can make my dream come true
Make a wish
Get down on your knees
O please...

All I want is a kiss
Cause you look so fine
All I want is your lips, next to mine
Just like this.
It tastes better than wine,
Put your hands on my hips.
Come on let's synchronize lips.
Lips, lips lips... this this, this this ...
Synchronize lips lips, lips lips ... this this, this this ...

Take my hand, we're skin to skin
Mouth to mouth, let the fun begin [x4]

All I want is a kiss
Cause you look so fine
All I want is your lips next to mine
Just like this.
It tastes better than wine
Put your hands on my hips.
Come on ... [x2]
Let's synchronize lips
Lips, lips lips ... this this, this this ...
Synchronize lips lips, lips lips ... this this, this this...
Synchronïze lïps.

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